Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Love/Hate Relationship

So Martha Stewart, as most people know, is the culinary/interior design/craft/anything else you can think of/floral design genius. And yes, she did go to prison for a little while, but now she's back on top and better than ever. So the thing that sometimes frustrates me about her is that you have to realize that no way is she the inventor of all her ideas! And like she really has time to try out all the things she claims to do and whatnot.

But here's the thing that really gets me: she always makes everything seem 'so easy!' when you read the instructions for how to do something, it always seems to be a much harder method than I would do it. But then again, I'm not Martha. So maybe I need to step it up and make things harder and maybe I'll get better results.


Lorana said...

Amen. I find it amusing how she says with a straight face how simple it is to find all the materials or ingredients she uses.

Alice H said...

Yea I totally agree with this. When she makes something on her show I always start out saying, "I could totally do this" and 5 minutes later she's listed 28 supplies that I don't have that I'll need. And I give up.