Monday, September 29, 2008

This is Iron Chef!!

I want to start a recipe exchange, thanks to the great idea of my sister-in-law Kristie. Anyone else want to be in on this? I also want to include this in the idea: Iron Chef Competition.

While I was on my trip, (yes, I actually still am ON my trip but it's over tomorrow) I went to this fun party with an Iron Chef theme. The theme was Apple vs. Pumpkin. So everyone brought a dish made of apples or pumpkins and then we sampled everything and judged it and various recipes won. I want to do this as a party sometime, but here's how I want to incorporate it now.

1. Pick two ingredients for the recipe exchange.
2. Everyone who wants to can email me a recipe based around either ingredient.
3. Afterwards, I compile the list and email it or post it on this blog.
4. Anyone who wants to, can try and make one recipe from each group (don't pick your own recipe though), eat it, then decide which was the better recipe.
5. Leave a comment on my blog saying which recipe you liked the best.
6. I will compile the votes and we'll see who wins!

So, now that I can look at it, I can see that it's a lot of steps and maybe not the most fair way of doing this, but I couldn't think of a better way to do it. I think it's a good idea, but maybe I should just simplify it to a regular recipe exchange. What do you think?


Janae said...

I think this sounds fun, just how you have it! I'm in on it.

Alice H said...

I don't think its too confusing - especially if lots of people participate. Part of the competition will be picking a recipe that sounds good so lots of people will want to make it and you get more votes. If our course am in. Can't wait to hear the first ingredients!

Lanae said...

we are soooo alike, i have wanted to do this for so long, count me in! thanks for all your help last night!